Statement on Action
We are called as Christian’s to proclaim the way of Jesus Christ.
When this is done the community of faith becomes a counter-force for love, justice, and compassion.
Social transformation takes place though countless hours of hard work and subverting the paradigm of the world (Read: gk: cosmos ) with the creative third third way that Jesus showed us how to find.
Thus, the church takes the role of herald and servant, proclaiming God’s beloved community in word and deed.
Personal project
- Follow Christ with TWO FEET OF Christian COMPASSION (Source: RMNetwork.org (pdf)
- The Parable of Good Works – a parable to help paint a picture of distinction between justice ministries and mercy (charity) ministries
- Roots of Oppression– an image that shows the interconnectedness of all inequality, rooted in prejudice and privilege. ( Image Large | Small ) (Source: Jane SACREDWORTH Open Hands Journal Fall 1995)
- the ethics of globalization – This is a indypendent site that is four sessions about the wild fact of the effects of globalization and steps you can take to live in sustatinablity with the comos.